1. Hi all, My blog moved to http://edwardjuan.tumblr.com Visit there!!!!! See ya. Ed

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  2. I've been really busy at work and kicking ass. I could blame my job for not updating my blog, but in honesty, that's laziness! So I'll do myself to update more often in the next coming days. Recently I did an illustration spread for a magazine in Portland. The magazine is called Artslandia, focuses on the art, dance, and music scene in Portland, Oregon.


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  3. Not sure if all straight guys are like that.


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  4. Hello! I'm here to do two big updates. I have finished the Los Angeles map and the Seattle map. I'm going to take a break from map making. I'm working on a national forest series. Not really map but more like a tribute and dedication to the national parks around USA and Canada. Tons of research and tons of old photos to go through.

    I'll post some sketches later this week. And happy chinese new year.

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  5. Before I disappear into holiday hibernation, I was notify my Portland map is featured on a local alternative newspaper in Portland.

    It is on the Willamette Weekly!

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  6. I'm back from the Bazaar, crazy insane awesome event! I have to give credit to the folks that put it together. I also got to meet Grace of Design Sponge, got her to sign a copy of her new book. I didn't get a chance to meet Carson and Colin and get a copy of wildwood signed. Boo! I was so busy selling my prints, cards, and zines. As much I was overwhelmed with hundreds of buyers, and now I'm inspired to continue to create more great design art prints for the coming new year. One of my new project idea is creating an illustrated guide to national forests and parks. And yes, I heard many cries for a Seattle map, a Boston map, and a DC map. All lovely cities I've visited and admired. I visited DC a few years ago on a road trip. The Seattle marathon was my second marathon of the 9 I've ran so far in the past 4 years. As for Boston, I visited my friend Kim Slate (aka, precious) last year, and I plan to go back some day to qualify and run the Boston Marathon.
    But for now, I need to introduce you this new map of Toronto.

    Toronto is a city I am all too familiar with. I include most of the historical colonial architectures from the 18th century. A fellow Canadian friend mentioned how I made Toronto too pretty and European. I wasn't going to include ugly buildings and suggest that as a destination for bicycle and pedestrian tourists.

    And here's a quick look at my process of illustrating the map. I always start off sketching the map in my tiny moleskin. I take a lot of time thinking about the landmarks, the neighborhoods, and the overall colour and composition. The actual painting part is the easiest but also very time consuming. Each map takes about 2-3 weeks for me to finish. I could finish a map in 2-3 days but I work fulltime, and I rather not spent all weekend stuck inside my studio.


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  7. I'll be selling cards, art prints, zines, at the Portland Bazaar! Come say hi to me! This weekend, December 10-11 (Saturday-Sunday), 420 NE 9th Ave. at Sandbox Studio. There will be gift ideas, holiday craft classes, food carts such as Pine State Biscuit and Heart Roasters Coffee. Also, Carson & Colin of the Decemberist and Wildwood will be there to sign their collaborative book. I haven't read it yet but I really like Carson's illustration.


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  8. 1 Go Pro camera + 4 cyclists + 16 days + Iceland = 1 epic bicycle tour.

    Music Credit: Mum, Sigur Ros, Vato Gonzalez & Foreign Beggars.

    I took the last few evenings to edit this together. Its all filmed with my go pro camera mounted on my bicycle, 12 days of biking across Iceland.

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  9. I just got back from Eastern Oregon last weekend, had our 4th anniversary, and hiked through the oregon badland during its first snow season. Kind of cool, the landscape was blue and yellow and snow just drizzle onto the juniper forest. Back at the hotel lodge I went back reading Independent People by Laxness. I started getting some ideas for my next painting series... not quite sure yet what kind of project it will be, but probably something less conventional from my recent design works.

    Though I did finish my new map few weeks ago. I almost forgot I finished it! Here it is! Lower Manhattan. Why did I only do lower manhattan? Have you been to New York City? Its a small island with so many things jammed into tight compact neighborhoods. I still can't believe I live there, East Village, was like the place where you could find punk rockers eating in a ramen house at 4am. Though today, its cleaned up and full of yuppies. I can't even imagine what the rent is like now.

    I also learned letterpress last month. I'm working on some holiday cards that involves letterpress. I'll have those ready in a week or two.

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  10. Hello hello! Another holiday sale coming up and I'm preparing for it. Please come see me at Mississippi Studio in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday November 27, 2011.

    And I'll have new prints and new holiday cards to sell this coming holiday season.

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Who doesn't give a damn?
Who doesn't give a damn?
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Taiwanese Canadian currently living & working in Portland, Oregon. Biking the Iceland coast this summer.
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